Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Building A Strong Indie Game Development Team

Are you looking to set up an independent game development team?  You’ll need a team that covers all areas of game development including programming, art, design, sound, project management and business.  You need to pick the right people that can work together for months or even years.  Below are some tips for putting the right team together to increase your chances of success. Roles Game development involves a number of common roles as well as some overlooked ones.  I...

   Software design,Game design,Team work,Pr     2011-08-24 02:16:32

  How Java Application Developers Can Build Secure Internet Based Apps?

There are few compiled solution tested by experts to guide Java application development and maintenance team how they can start safe journey on Internet. Strong encryption, wise passwords, secure hardware are few of the tech tools that should be used by Java app development team to secure their Internet based apps.   The Internet is most amazing yet most risky platform where nobody knows either they are doing safe transaction on Internet or there is some dog watching out for data packets t...


  One minute to understand earnings report of IT giants in last quarter

According to Sohu IT, if you want to know the operating status of a listed technology company, then the company's quarterly earnings report should not be missed. Now it's time for companies to release earnings report for last quarter, a few large IT giants in United States have announced the previous quarter's earnings. But many ordinary readers are not interested in those professional reports with a lot of finance jargon, so we extracted and summarized some important information from Yahoo, Goo...

   Earnings report,IT giant     2013-04-27 10:05:38

  The 5 types of programmers

In my code journeys and programming adventures I’ve encountered many strange foes, and even stranger allies. I’ve identified at least five different kinds of code warriors, some make for wonderful comrades in arms, while others seem to foil my every plan. However they all have their place in the pantheon of software development. Without a healthy mix of these different programming styles you’ll probably find your projects either take too long to complete, are not stable enou...

   Programmer,Type,Anti-Programmer,OCD     2012-01-11 04:40:09

  Rust vs Go: how to choose the best programming language for your project?

Rust and Go, these two modern programming languages, with their unique advantages, are becoming hot topics in the developer community. Their competition in performance, security, simplicity, feature set, and concurrency not only influences developers' choices but also foretells future trends in software development. Battle of Performance: Rust's Precision vs. Go's Efficiency Rust, developed by Mozilla Research, has become the preferred choice for performance-sensitive applications due to its zer...

   RUST,GO,GOLANG,COMPARISON     2024-02-10 19:36:44

  Enterprise Mobility Solution From A DreamFactory of Software to Accelerate Customer Experience

Today the conventional model that suppliers follow i.e. the make, sell and ship process is no longer enough to keep your customers happy and satisfied. The landscapes have evolved such that, manufacturers not only have to continue making the best quality products but also be in complete sync with the new age  customer requirements, encourage customer involvement and henceforth achieve the best products. This can be achieved by using the emerging mobile technology to deliver improved custom...

   enterprise mobility, enterprise management, enterprise mobility management     2014-12-10 00:36:56

  IBM Launches Maqetta HTML5 Tool as Open-Source

IBM announced Maqetta, an HTML5 authoring tool for building desktop and mobile user interfaces, and also announced the contribution of the open-source technology to the Dojo Foundation. LAS VEGAS – At the IBM Impact 2011 conference here, IBM announced both Maqetta as well as the open-source contribution of its Maqetta HTML5 visual authoring tool to the Dojo Foundation. Maqetta is an open-source project that provides WYSIWYG visual authoring of HTML5 user interfaces using drag-and-drop ass...

   IBM,Open Source,Dojo foundation,HTML 5,W     2011-04-12 01:59:29

  What Happened to Software Engineering?

Over the past few years there has been an evolutionary shift in the world of software development.  Not very long ago, the dominant Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology was the Waterfall Method with very specific phases that separated the construction phase from phases like design and test. The software development industry, still very new, was striving to find a repeatable, predictable process for developing software.  The best model for this seemed to be the physical sc...

   Software engineering,Software,Developmen     2011-09-07 10:42:34

  The Balanced Developer

In preparation for a recent team offsite, I spent some time thinking about what I hold dear as a software developer. One idea I kept coming back to is the notion of balance. I see balance manifesting itself several ways in the work of a successful developer, some of which follow.Speed Versus QualityThe most obvious example is the balance of development speed and quality. When building software, it’s never a good idea to write code as fast as possible without any attention toward maintaina...

   Balance,Software,Development,Speed,Quality     2011-11-15 03:02:19

  LESS/SASS/Stylus development tools summary

LESS,SASS and Stylus are more and more popular among developers. More and more people are using these three tools now. Here we introduce some development and testing tools which can make our development process simpler. SublimeText Many front-end developers are now using Sublime Text 2 as their main text editor, there are many plugins in Sublime Text as well. We can use Ctrl+Shift+P –> install package to search relative plugins. Less Sublime Less build Sublime Less2css Less snippets Su...

   LESS,SASS,Stylus,CSS     2013-02-23 22:45:02